"Up-cycling Detritus" brought to you by the Sculptors Alliance! Juried by Vernita Nemec
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Selected Artists
Penny Babel
Z Behl
Michèle Fandel Bonner
Ellen Burnett
Emanuela Camacci
Irene Christensen
Marieken Cochius
Pam Cooper
Kyle Cottier
May DeViney
Katherine Earle
Jodie Fink
Deb Flagel
Bess French
Garth Fry
Chris Hynes
Kazuo Ishikawa
Sun Young Kang
Soyoung L Kim
Henry Klimowitz
Bernice Sokol Kramer
Yvonne Lamar Rogers
Sandra Lapage
Eric David Laxman
Kathy Levine
Madeleine Lord
Rick McCoy
Elizabeth Morrisette
Kenichi Nakajima
Minga Opazo
Carol Oster
Carol Paik
Gale Rothstein
Sophia Ruppert
Dani Schuller
Ruby Silvious
Ian Trask
Rebecca McGee Tuck
Yuko Uchida
Jeanne Verdoux
April Wright
Toby Zallman
Larry Zdeb
Dolores Zorreguieta